Jolene Chinn Swatrz

August 27, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

The Untitled Project

Jolene Chinn Swartz was injured when she was 10 years old, while living in China. She went on an errand to purchase oil for the lanterns that they used to light their home. The shop owner accidentally sold her kerosene. That night when the lantern was lit, it exploded. She described the experience as intense as fireworks going off inside of her house. Jolene’s clothing caught fire and as she ran through the house her sister’s coat also caught fire. Jolene’s father smothered the flames on both children and sustained burns to his legs in the process. 

Jolene and her family lived in a rural village and had no transportation. Jolene’s mother and father had to carry both children to the nearest hospital, which was 45 minutes away. Once they arrived, they could not be treated because the burns were too severe. Jolene’s parents rented a public transport bus to take them to the nearest major hospital, which was 2 hours away. Once they arrived, Jolene slipped into a coma for several days. Jolene remained in the hospital for 3 months, but was sent home and refused any further care once their funds ran out. Jolene’s family sold everything they had, borrowed money from friends and family, and even resorted to begging on the street. They were able to come up with enough money to get her a few more short hospital stays to take care of infections and allow her wounds time to properly heal. A year and a half after the accident, Jolene was well enough to attend school. At this point, she was unable to walk so her parents carried her to and from school each day. She was determined to not give up. 

When Jolene was 13 years old, she went to a news station to do an interview talking about her burns. While there, her mother met an American woman. The American was very interested in Jolene’s story and it was evident that Jolene still needed many surgeries if she was going to be able to walk again. The woman networked with the Shriner’s hospital and was able to sponsor Jolene to come to America to get the remaining surgeries she needed. When Jolene was 14 she arrived in the U.S. and received multiple surgeries, including amputation of both feet above the ankle. Due to not receiving proper surgeries, occupational therapy, and physical therapy while in China her scars contracted so severely that she lost the ability to walk. After her U.S. treatment was complete she was fitted for prosthetics and was up and walking within 6 months. 

The American family was so fond of Jolene that they offered to adopt her. Jolene and her family agreed that remaining in America would provide her with the best opportunity. At 14 Jolene started learning English and attending public high school. When she left China, she was doing 5th grade work, when she started school in the U.S. she was placed into a 9th grade classroom. She stated that she was overwhelmed by the new culture, language, school, and medical care, but she was excited for a better future. She spent all of her waking hours doing school work and learning the language. Jolene graduated high school and went on to university. 

Jolene explained that what gets her through difficult times is her family support. She currently works with Hand Reach, which is an organization that goes to China and educates healthcare workers and local families about burn care. They teacher them how to properly change bandages, keep wounds clean, and the importance of physical therapy after an injury. 


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